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 October 2020
Big River

Dear Friend,

Harvest is wrapping up in our corner of the world, and year-end tax and financial planning are kicking into gear.  Please let us know if you need help in verifying, adjusting, or allocating your 2020 inventories and management accounting data so that you can make well-informed projections for 2021 and beyond.  

Compare your farm results with production cost benchmarks from this year's FBS/MASA Ag Software Success Summit while you prepare for new software power in 2021.

  • 2019 Corn & Soybean Cost of Production Benchmarks and 2020 Projections video.
  • FBS/MASA Development Update and Plans video.
  • Discounts on Ag Consultant virtual conference.
  • Where'd my group go?

Ag Software Success Summit Video Links

Last month we shared links to the first two videos from the 2020 virtual  Ag Software Success Summit: 

We continue with links to two more General Session presentations:

Corn-Soybean Benchmarks Border

Corn & Soybean 2019 Cost of Production and 2020 Cost Estimates by John McNutt and Moe Russell
Software Development 2020-21border

FBS/MASA Software Development Update and Plans by Dr. Martin Travolia and MASA Board Members


Ag Consultants Gather Virtually for Professional Development at ASAC Annual Conference

STEPHENVILLE, TEXAS – Professionals will have the opportunity to improve their agricultural consulting skills Nov. 1-5 via smartphone, tablet or computer, by attending the 2020 National Conference of the American Society of Agricultural Consultants (ASAC). This event, held annually each November, will be held virtually for the first time this year.

Open to both current members of ASAC and to non-members, the Conference boasts numerous speakers to strengthen the professional capabilities and agricultural knowledge of all. Registration is open now, at

Speakers for the Conference include global and national forerunners in research, economics, commodities and policy from diverse backgrounds, including corporate, governmental and private.

Ethan Robertson, Farm Credit East and chair of the planning committee, said ASAC members are enthused about the caliber of speakers obtained for the event.

“We are particularly excited this year to have a group of top ag consultants in a panel discussion, wherein the panelists will share their best ideas for success from their own business path,” Robertson said.

The Conference will also have one session in which a member’s dairy farmer client speaks to what clients are seeking in an agricultural consultant.

“In this virtual conference, we are making sure that consultants can obtain tools and knowledge to help each of them become a better consultant,” Robertson said.

“We hope that non-members will take advantage of the opportunity to obtain quality professional development at the member price” Robertson said. “All they need to do is contact an ASAC member to obtain the discount code for registration.”

Born of the visionary need to form an organization focused on the professionalism of consulting in agriculture, ASAC was formed in 1963. Its members are comprised of an experienced, diverse and influential group of agricultural consultants. A non-profit organization dedicated to raising the standards and image of professional agricultural consultants, ASAC is the only association representing the full range of agricultural consultants. Members are located across the nation, and they serve national and global clients.

Contact FBS at 800.437.7638 or to receive a $75 discount code.

Q&A: Where'd My Group Go?


Q. I went to add an entry to an open livestock group, but I can't find it on the dropdown list or in the Active Group Setup screen. Where could it have gone?  I don’t see anything under Inactive Groups either!

Sarah 2019

Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator

A. It's normal for groups to "fall off" the pick lists after they are closed and/or the input date is outside of the group period.  However, what you're experiencing is not normal if you can't find the group in the Active or Inactive Group Setup screens.  Don't worry, though; no matter where the group may have gone we can bring it back and it will still be tied to the data you've already entered! 

First, you say you checked the Inactive Group list. Please remember that when groups are inactivated they are moved to the Inactive Group file for the year that the group started.  So if you began the group in 2019 you will need to first log into input year 2019, then look at the Inactive Group list (Setup>Feeding>Inactive Groups).  If the group is found on the Inactive Group list you can re-activate the group by pressing the Activate Group button and it will now show up on all input lists as well as the Active Group list.

Inactive Groups

If you can't find the group on any Inactive Group list then we have to assume it was accidently deleted or possibly renamed.  Neither of these functions leave a “paper trail” and so we can never be sure which happened.  But all is not lost,  Add a new group with the exact Group Number and it will link up with any entries you made to the original group and you can then run reports and enter data like normal!
NOTE:  You can apply the same process to Crop Projects.


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