Automate the "Harvest" of Harvest Data
Did you know that FBS offers 6 input paths for accumulating harvest data? With that data you can do the following:
Field, farm and variety performance history
- Real-time crop inventory control
- Full management/cost accounting
- Financial statement generation
- Calculation of crop-share splits
Here are the input paths:
1. General Input provides a fast way to manually enter quantities, preform a standard shrink and record center, crop and the destination storage location.
2. Harvest by Load stores individual loads, calculates net weight and converts pounds to bushels using user-defined shrink tables.
3. Import Grain Tickets (as well as the TA+ Importmodule) can pull in scale tickets from any source that can produce a text, CSV or Excel file.
4. Import Yield Data can pull field harvest data from multiple sources such as:
5. Digi-Star auger carts scales through the Conservis Harvest App or directly into Crop Audit.
6. Yield monitors through mapping software including AgLeader SMS and John Deere Apex.
Which of these six "entry points" do we favor? If you can capture moisture measurements by load the grain cart option appears to be the most precise since it directly logs field weights. Its major disadvantage--matching moisture readings to each cart load--can be overcome by "mashing up" truck moisture readings with cart weights through "the cloud" or adopting the latest generation of on-board moisture-sensors.
Redundant harvest data can be a benefit, as describe in the September 2013 Farm Futures article, "Redundant systems check harvest accuracy." This story quotes how one Indiana cropping operation combines an auger cart, combine grain monitor and point-of-sale data.
Contact the FBS sales department at 800.437.7638 /Extension 2 to discuss how FBS harvest data integration can simplify your crop reporting and accounting chores.