Automate the "Harvest" of Harvest Data, 2013-2014 Trade Show Schedule, November Free Webinar, Q&A: Selecting Print Areas
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 FarmSMART                                                  October 2013 

In this Issue:

Automate the "Harvest" of Harvest Data

2013-2014 Trade Show Schedule

November Free Webinar

Q&A:  Selecting Print Areas


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It's "payoff time" in our little corner of the world.  Even as we harvest the 13th cropof the 21st Century, we're reminded that the returns from high technology andmicro-management pale in comparison to the power and influence of the weathe rand its Creator 

Yet that doesn't deter us from pressing forward with the best practices for production, accounting and margin management.  After all, as they say at the corner of Addison and Sheffield in Chicago, "there's always next year."  (We hope none of you have experienced as bad a string of seasons as the Cubbies!) 

Speaking of technology, we experienced our own little "shutdown" October 3-8 as a general Internet outage took down both our phones as well as email.  (We couldn't even send our "non-essential" employees home since we don't have any.)   

This month in FarmSmart: 
  • Learn how to automate the "harvest" of harvest data.
  • This season's trade show schedule. 
  • Our free, weekly one o'clock webinar covers hedge accounting.
  • The Q&A of the Month helps you define print areas in your reports.
  • We review Farm Future's take on cash flow planning in rapidly-changing market and cost conditions in the Farm Management Software Blog. 


Automate the "Harvest" of Harvest Data

Did you know that FBS offers 6 input paths for accumulating harvest data?  With that data you can do the following:

Field, farm and variety performance history 

  • Real-time crop inventory control
  • Full management/cost accounting
  • Financial statement generation
  • Calculation of crop-share splits

Here are the input paths:  

 1. General Input provides a fast way to manually enter quantities, preform a standard shrink and record center, crop and the destination storage location.



 2. Harvest by Load stores individual loads, calculates net weight and converts pounds to bushels using user-defined shrink tables. 


3. Import Grain Tickets (as well as the TA+ Importmodule) can pull in scale tickets from any source that can produce a text, CSV or Excel file.   




4. Import Yield Data can pull field harvest data from multiple sources such as:





5. Digi-Star auger carts scales through the Conservis Harvest App or directly into Crop Audit.






 6. Yield monitors through mapping software including AgLeader SMS and John Deere Apex.




Which of these six "entry points" do we favor?    If you can capture moisture measurements by load the grain cart option appears to be the most precise since it directly logs field weights.  Its major disadvantage--matching moisture readings to each cart load--can be overcome by "mashing up" truck moisture readings with cart weights through "the cloud" or adopting the latest generation of on-board moisture-sensors.

Redundant harvest data can be a benefit, as describe in the September 2013 Farm Futures article, "Redundant systems check harvest accuracy."  This story quotes how one Indiana cropping operation combines an auger cart, combine grain monitor and point-of-sale data.

Contact the FBS sales department at 800.437.7638 /Extension 2 to discuss how FBS harvest data integration can simplify your crop reporting and accounting chores.

2013-2014 Trade Show Schedule


Somewhere among the hardware "bling" and ultra-high technology you'll find FBS at these outstanding farm trade shows in 2013 and 2014.  Here's a guide to find us.  You can also check for updates on our website. 

Trade Show
Booth #
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers November 13-15, 2013 Peppermill Resort, Reno, NV  16
Minnesota Pork Congress January 13-14, 2014 Minnesota Convention Center, Minneapolis, MN TBA
Iowa Pork Congress  January 22-23, 2014 Iowa Events Center, Des Moines, IA  207
Illinois Pork Expo February 5-6, 2014 Peoria Civic Center, Peoria, IL TBA
National Farm Machinery Show  February 12-15, 2014 Kentucky Exposition Center, Louisville, KY 620A
Commodity Classic  February 27-March 1, 2014  San Antonio Convention Center, San Antonio, TX 4056
World Pork Expo June 4-6, 2014 State Fair Grounds, Des Moines, IA 131


November Free Webinar
Webinar Computer 
November 11:  Intro to Hedge Accounting
All webinars run between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm CDT. 

To register, e-mail by 12:00 pm CDT on the day of the webinar.

Q&A of the Month--Selecting Print Areas
Sarah Dixon
Sarah Dixon, FBS Technical Services Manager.

 Q.  Is there a way for me to print only a certain section of a FBS Report?  I only want to print a few of the columns on the User Defined Report.          

A. Yes!  It only takes a few easy steps:

  1. If you only want to print a few columns, first make sure those columns are grouped together by dragging them across the screen with your mouse.           
  2. Now click on the Range button at the bottom of the report.  The following menu will appear:
    Pressing the Range button brings up this menu.

  3. If you don't want to print all of the lines of the report, click the radio button for first line to print, and then click that line on the report.  Repeat the process for last line to print. (If your selected area already begins on the first line of the report all you need to do is to click on the last line.)        
  4. Next check the box to Calculate font size, then click the Set first column to printradio button and click on the first column in the report you want to print.  Repeat the process for last column to print.  (If your selected area already begins with the first column of the report all you need to do is to click on the last column.)  

    The selected print area is in black, un-selected lines and columns in blue.
  5. Finally, click the Ok button.  The un-selected report lines and columns will now appear on the screen in blue.  The selected area is in black and ready to print by pressing the Print button.

Tip #1:  The Range settings also apply to the F10 hot key which copies just the selected area in a report to your Window clipboard (which can then be pasted into Excel).      

Tip #2:  If you select Save as Macro in the report parameter screen you can customize and memorize the column order in many FBS reports.



FBS Systems


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