Upgrade strategies for optimal service and price, Connecting Farm to Finance video, when's the best time to install upgrades?
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FarmSMART November 2022
All is safely gathered in.
Dear Friend,
Except for the deer and coyotes the fields around here are now still and silent after a hectic harvest. We hope all of you experienced a safe and bountiful harvest of the multitude of products FBS/MASA clients grow and remember to always thank God for the increase.
Here's what's going on:
Upgrade strategies for optimal service and savings.
Videos from the Connecting Farm to Finance webinar.
Read our November blog posts.
When's the best time to install upgrades? SDG
Upgrade Strategies For Optimal Service and Savings
Don't miss out on these 2022 software improvements and savings opportunities for 2023.
Version 11.7 was released to all FBS clients on April 29th of this year, and is available through download, disc, or AgCompass. We have contacted all registered users via email or First Class mail. If you have not received your upgrade contact cheryl@fbssystems.com or 800.437.7638 / Extension 105.
Version 12.1 (SQL) will be rolled out in 2023, but you can lock in 2022 prices by ordering by December 30th. Contact sales@fbssystems.com or call 800.437.7638 / Extension 103.
"Farm management is really the business of farming--bringing the pieces together so you can manage holistically."
"We're talking about the hierarchy of information--how do we harness that data to do something useful?"
"We're taking the tools we have in our toolbox--MASA/FBS--Conservis--John Deere Ops Center--and building the methodology for all of these pieces to communicate openly."
"We're bringing technology to bare in solving these problems."
"One of the things we try to do is look at data in different ways and get the same answer because if you get a different answer what is the truth of your data set?"
Presenters include Conservis founder Pat Christie, Blake Hollis of Lanehaven Farms, Bernard Peterson from Peterson Farms, and John McNutt, Management Consultant with LattaHarris, LLP.
Farming is about growth. It’s the primary focus from crop and livestock to the back office. Crops don’t grow from seed without external factors, nor...
Q. Should I wait until I am done recording 2022 entries before I upgrade to the newest version?
A. No. There is no need to wait. I get this question all of the time. Upgrading to a new version does not affect your year end and sometimes it can even make entering those last few entries even easier.
Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator sarah@fbssystems.com (800.437.7638/extension 100).
Usually there are behind-the-scene enhancements that make data entry easier or faster. Even if the upgrade you are moving to involves a database conversion there is no reason to worry. Upgrades have been tested thoroughly and used in real time by our more robust clients before we release the upgrade to all users. This ensures a nearly seamless process. There can always be a few small issues with each individual's computer or network environment such as an antivirus software or security settings, but those are usually quickly resolved.
The best time to do a version upgrade is when you receive it. Why? Well, when we release the new versions we are right in the thick of it and know all of the little tricks to get around the virus software and such. When you wait 6, 9 or 12 months then we aren't doing as many installs and we get a little rusty! Also it ensures that if you do have an issue with an entry or you aren't balancing come tax time that we can support you! If you are not on the most current version then we have to move you to the current version to support your issue. That can just take more time! Also if everyone waited then it is harder to schedule a time to get up upgraded and get you the support you need. Having the new software in place makes our support much faster for you in your time of need!
FBS Systems, Inc.
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601 SE 19th Avenue Suite 2
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