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November 2021


Winter clouds
All is safely gathered in...
Dear Friend,

Come, ye thankful people, come
Raise the song of harvest home
All is safely gathered in
Ere the winter storms begin.
- Henry Alford, 1844

In this chaotic and uncertain world it's easy to forget where the food "supply chain" really begins.  Yes, farmers till and plant and harvest, but it's God who brings the increase, both with crops and His people.

Even so, Lord, quickly come,
Bring Thy final harvest home;
Gather Thou Thy people in,
Free from sorrow, free from sin.

In this issue of FarmSmart we're going to share more video highlights from the 2021 FBS Ag Software Success Summit.

Here's a preview:

  • Innovations to Integrate videos.
  • Yearend report and special offers.
  • Celebrating 40 years of computerized farm management reporting.
  • Excluding FBS from antivirus scans.

Jon-Acumence Slider

Innovation Videos from the Ag Software Success Summit
Watch these videos of four Innovations to Integrate Production Technology, Finance and Knowledge from the 2021 Ag Software Success Summit. 

AgCompass Title

Watch now.

"The reality is that all aspects of business are becoming increasingly complex with various technologies interwoven into how business is done so it often makes sense to work with people and companies that have a higher and broader level of expertise or knowledge than many businesses can typically afford to have in-house."

- Nick Chambers, AgCompass
Conservis Title-1

Watch now.

"(Crossing the Chasm) is an interesting way to think about the opportunities that I think we're all looking for, which is how do we start to streamline and integrate and really turn data from a chore into a value.  How do we actually get a return on our knowledge investment?"

- Pat Christie, Conservis
Farmera Title

Watch now.

"An ecosystem approach to integrated health management will take us beyond prevention." 

- Erin Lowe, DVM, Boehringer Ingelheim, creators of the FARMERA digital platform
RealmFive Barn View

Watch now.

"Decision agriculture requires seamless communication with data and information without gaps."

- Austin Benes, RealmFive

 Click here to view a Summit "highlight reel."

Be on the lookout for more conference video highlights in next month's FarmSmart, plus all registered Summit  participants will receive links to all presentations. Contact if you'd like to be included.

FB-MASA Logos Horizontal

Yearend Report and Special Offers

Thank you for trusting FBS software to manage your operations in 2021. Here's a recap of what's been accomplished, what's coming, and some special year end savings opportunities. 

  • Version 11.5, which was delivered to FBS users in March, completed the conversion of TransAction Plus accounting to the .NET language for greater capacity and compatibility as well as faster reporting.  A web-download update this month is speeding up input screens and check-writing.

  •  Version 11.6 converts Smart Feeder and Crop Audit reports to .NET, incorporates a 64-Bit reporting engine for greater performance and capacity in large databases, and is currently available only to MASA partners.

  • Version 11.7, which will be released next year to all users, completes the .NET conversion for Smart FeederCrop Audit, and LifeCycle Budget and will add functionality for MASA users to upload to a cloud database.

  • Version 11.8 will begin adding the most requested features in 2022 to the completed, modern "chassis." 

Here are three opportunities to save before December 31:

  • Lock in your 2022 TiMEsavr maintenance renewal at 2021 prices.

  •  Apply your Client Appreciation Program accrued discount (up to 40%) on any single FBS-authored module. 

  •  Become a MASA Member.

For more information call 800.437.7638 or sales@fbssystems.ocm

FFC Newslette 1-1Celebrating 40 Years of Computerized Farm Management Reporting

The electronic FarmSmart newsletter you're reading on your smart phone began as The Friendly Farm Computer Newsletter in 1981.  The premier edition opened with "Welcome to the Computer Age!", which reported and predicted:

  • "Computer seminars are packed and newsletter and articles have appeared from all directions in the farm press."

  • "Over the past four years, computers have dropped dramatically in price while increasing in power.  Now the only thing limiting its wide acceptance by agriculture is the availability of good quality agricultural software.  If software has already run successfully on other farms like yours, there is no reason it can't work for you."

  • "Legitimate business computers are not likely to go down much in in cost.  The most expensive components are mechanical devices such as disk drives and printer and they are not subject to the economies of scale the electronic components are now enjoying.  Plan on spending at least $3,000 on the smallest practical system (excluding software."

  • "The most innovative, easy-to-use programs will come from the private sector; intense competition will be developed in such areas as support, speed, graphics, and integrated systems."

  • "Within a short time, the on-farm computer will become the most indispensable machine on the farm.  The four-wheel-drive tractor may run only a few days a year, but the computer will be used every day for a multitude of uses:  financial records and planning, livestock production reports and scheduling, inventory control, letter and check writing, field records, market analysis, and as a 'window to the world' with market quotes, news, the latest technical information, banking, shopping, and a source of unlimited knowledge at your fingertips."

We'll be sharing more of these "historic and hilarious moments" in upcoming issues.

Q&A: Excluding FBS from Antivirus Scans

Q.   How do I make my antivirus software "play nice" with FBS?  It's slowing my computer down and even creates error messages by quarantining FBS program files. 

Sarah 2019

Sarah Dixon, FBS Support Coordinator

A.  Today we're going to talk about something that's outside our program, but greatly affects our program:  antivirus software.  I'll show how to exclude FBS from three common antivirus programs.  Just click this link or the image below to watch.

Antivirus Scans Link
Schedule Webinar