This year marks the 30th anniversary of the fall of the wall in Berlin. This notorious barrier sprang up overnight in 1961 in the form of a barbed-wire barricade that was soon transformed into two 12' concrete walls that trapped the citizens of East Berlin from escaping to the freedom of the West.
Tech progress and the cybersecurity "Cold War" can also lead to collateral damage to the unprepared. Don't get trapped on the wrong side of these update walls:
Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 End of Life
After midnight, January 14, 2020, Microsoft will discontinue support for these widely-used operating systems. The most critical risk for users is that Microsoft will no longer issue security patches. Your only options to protect yourself are 1) purchase Windows 10 or Server 2012 or newer or 2) disconnect your computer from the internet.
Current FBS Version (11.3)
FBS Software is only being developed and updated for Windows versions that are currently supported by Microsoft (Windows 8.1/10, Server 2012/2016/2019). If your operating system is older than these versions the latest version of FBS (11.3) will not install and/or update from patches, even assuming you take the risk of connecting to the internet.
Next FBS Version (11.4)
In the first quarter of 2020 FBS will ship Version 11.4 upgrade to all customers. Once that upgrade is distributed it will be the only FBS version we will support or patch. We plan to drop support for Windows 8.1 in FBS 11.4; however, Microsoft plans to support that operating system until January 2023. Also when you receive your 11.4 disc, don't forget to install it--it will not work in the drawer!
Prior FBS Versions (11.2 and lower)
We can't and don't support or patch FBS versions prior to 11.3.
Why does FBS only support its current version?
We've made a deliberate choice to remain on the modern, "friendly" side of the the tech wall rather than fighting unwinnable wars with unsupported operating systems, outdated third-party apps, security holes and virus software that "shoots first and asks questions later" when it encounters "legacy" software. Make sure you always stay on the safe side of this technology wall by staying current with your operating system and FBS software.
Here's some important news for all FBS users regarding support for your software version.