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May 2018

Dear Friend,

Plant by the pond
Making tracks and raising dust by the pond.

The crop is (mostly) in everywhere and it's time for some big summer events:

  • Registration Opens for FBS Software Success Summit.
  • Software Success through a Proven Agricultural Solution.
  • Farm Financial Standards Conference Explores Data Integration.
  • TiMEsavr Comprehensive Services.
  • World Pork Expo and NPPC presidents.
  • Transferring Between Bank Accounts.
  • MACH 2 Demo.                                                                                                                                                     SDG

Eiger Wide

Registration Opens for FBS Ag Software Success Summit

In last month's FarmSmart we announced that nationally-known consultant Dick Wittman will open the FBS 2018 Ag Software Success Summit on August 22nd with an in-depth management accounting workshop.  Here are additional details on Day One of this unique conference being held at the Stoney Creek Inn, Moline, Illinois.

Time Speaker Topic
8:00-9:00 am FBS Staff Introductions and innovative idea exchange.
9:00 am-2:00 pm Dick Wittman "Using Management Accounting to Link Financial Performance Analysis and Strategic Thinking."
12:00-1:00 pm   Networking lunch
2:00-2:45 pm Producer Panel "Management Accounting in the Real World."
3:00-3:45 pm Consultant Panel “Scaling the Management  Accounting Summit Together.”   
3:45-4:15 pm John McNutt ‟Descent to the Bottom.”  (Corn/Soybean Cost Benchmarks)
4:15-5:00 pm FBS Staff "FBS NextGen."
6:00-9:00 pm Celebration Belle Networking Dinner Cruise.

Day Two (Thursday, August 23rd) will be devoted to breakout sessions based on specific technology and accounting interests.  Details will be released in the June FarmSmart newsletter.

Online "early bird" registrations are now available by clicking on this link

To reserve a discounted sleeping room at the Stoney Creek in call 800-659-2220 and ask for the FBS room block.

For more information on the conference contact or call 800.437.7638.


Farm Software Success Generic

This month we continue a series on the most important factors that contribute to successful farm software implementation and results.

Reason #5:
Proven agricultural solution.  Proven Seal

Our accounting foundation is built on the Farm Financial Standards and recommended and supported by the America’s leading ag financial consultants, lenders and CPAs.

The Farm Financial Standards Council is dedicated to helping farmers by promoting uniform financial reporting and analysis in the ag industry. Their goal is to be the definitive resource for financial guidelines to benefit farmers. 

FFSC 2018 Conference Logo

Farm Financial Standards Conference Explores Data Integration

The era of hand-written ledgers filled in with pencil and eraser at the farm kitchen table has long since been replaced by laptops, spreadsheets, Excel, QuickBooks, ag-specific production and finance software, and hours of very specialized education and training.

The Farm Financial Standards Council will take a closeup and intimate look "behind the curtains" at some of the influencers affecting ag financial reporting when it gathers in Champaign, Illinois on July 25-27.

Highlights include:

  • Panel discussion on the latest in farm management software technology and integration from the companies and people developing and implementing the software.
  • Integrating financial accounting metrics into changing ag technology and vice versa.
  • A second panel of agricultural accounting software providers on the implementation challenges, integration issues, and latest developments in financial and management accounting and reporting.  (FBS will be represented on this panel.)
Click here for more information and to register.

Sarah and Cheryl

Sarah and Cheryl at your service!

TiMEsavr Benefit #2:

Comprehensive Services

When FBS's TiMEsavr Service Agreement was initiated in 1997 one of our goals was to keep our clients current and compatible with constantly-changing computer technology and farm management practices.  Last month we described how FBS adapts your software to constantly-changing technology.  But that's only half of the challenge.

Our software goes by SERVwareTM because experienced ag-specific service is integral to taking full advantage of integrated software and assuring your success.  From advising setup, accounting solutions to program shortcuts our tech support team is ready to help by phone or shared desktops.

So by renewing your TiMEsavr subscription help is only a phone call away.  Thanks!  


Join Us At The World Pork Expowpx-logo

Catch up on the latest developments at FBS and the pork industry at the World Pork Expo, June 6-8 in Des Moines, Iowa.  this year we're based in booth 164 in the air conditioned Varied Industries Building on the Iowa State Fairgrounds.  Here's where to find us:

FBS Users In the News Jim Heimerl
Congratulations and thanks to Jim Heimerl, Johnstown, Ohio, for serving as president of the National Pork Producers Council.  Other FBS clients who have served as NPPC presidents include:
  • Jill Appell
  • Barb Determan
  • John McNutt


Q&A: Transferring Between Bank Accounts

Sarah Dixon, FBS Sales and Support Coordinator

Q.  If I am transferring money between my two bank accounts do I write a check from one account and a deposit in the other? 

A.  That would work, but you could also do the transfer with one journal entry.  The journal entry would have a line for each bank account with one line a negative, crediting the bank account the funds are coming from.  The second line debits (increases) the bank account that money is being transferred to. Note that this solution only works within a company (an FBS database or division).  If the bank accounts are in different FBS companies you will still need to record offsetting checks and deposits to keep each company in balance. 

MACH 2.0 2017

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