ERP For Ag?
Successful Farming's story on ERP software adopters reveals substantial benefits and costs.
While FBS wasn't mentioned the problems we solve and the technology we've developed--integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)--were emphasized and validated. Here are some quotes from the article in italics along with our comments in bold. We highly encourage you to read this ground-breaking article in its entirety.
Problems Identified
“We had six people who had six separate lists. It was impossible to get accurate information when we worked off so many different silos of information,” says Rob Sladek, a fifth-generation farmer at JCS Family Farms. “It was so frustrating knowing we generated all of this data, yet we questioned its validity.” (See FBS's 8 information silos video.)
ERP Manufacturing Model
If it was going to stay relevant, as well as position itself for the next generation to farm, the family knew it had to start treating the operation as if it were more of a manufacturing facility – with raw goods in and finished goods out – that based decisions on concrete figures.
(The Farm Financial Standards Council has thoroughly addressed this goal through its Management Accounting Guidelines, and FBS has gone further than any other company in implementing Activity-Based Costing based on these guidelines.)
Financial Hub
The ERP system JCS Family Farms uses centers around its financials. All of the information being generated across the entire operation flows through this system. "Incorporating the data silos meant investing in one complete system – with financials at the center – to streamline processes, procedures, and information across their entire business."
“If you do not have a near-real-time view of the integrated data from all aspects of your operation, you will never have any real, fact-based insight into what works, what doesn’t work, what has happened, what is currently happening, and what will happen in the future,” says Douglas Hackney, president, Enterprise Group, Ltd.
(Note that the first generation of Ag ERP systems have all come from the production side with "plugged" rather than integrated financials, missing out on the benefits of accounting control. We explain this in our video, Turn Your Data Into Decisions.)
What's the Bottom Line to Implement ERP?
To on-board an operation in year one costs around $100,000. After that, the yearly cost drops to about 50% of that figure.
(We think this might be 5-10x higher than it needs to be. If you're considering upgrading to an ERP system please visit with Mike ( or Norm ( first. Our phone number is 800.437.7638.
Thanks, Laurie Bedford and Successful Farming for covering this trend!