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Merry Christmas from FBS Systems!
It's been an eventful year in American agriculture, yet nothing compares to the world-transforming event that occurred around 2013 years ago. Truly celebrate the birth of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords by surrendering your life to Him today!
If you look closely at the photo above you'll see this year's big event for the Dixon family: "Future Farmer" Kase Edward, born on 10/28/13.
This month we introduce a new video, Turn Your Data Into Decisions, that explains the benefits of integrated software over the "separate silo" practices still followed by many producers.
Also we're starting a series on new ways FBS users are employing mobile devices to manage their business.
Also in this month's FarmSmart:
Why wait 'till 2025 for integrated farm records when they can be "under your tree" by 12/25?
Applying Section 179 to software.
Not one, but two Farm Financial Standards training opportunities this winter.
Register for the Computers on the Farm Conference.
The Q&A of the Month explains how to start 2014 off right.
Mobile Managers
Using Mobile Devices with FBS Software
How do you connect your new Android or Apple tablet or smartphone to Windows-based FBS software? You can now accomplish this through three technology routes:
Conservis apps sync to FBS through the cloud.
Use third-party apps like Conservis which records field activity on tablets synced to the "cloud." Conservis then "pushes" the data into a file that theFBS MACH 2.0 interface converts to Crop Audit records.
FBS SF Remote through iPAD.
Establish a peer-to-peer connection between your mobile device and pc through the Internet. For example, LogMeIn allows you to control your computer through your smartphone. FBS offers a mobile-friendly module-SF Remote-that is optimized to work from a smartphone-size screen, allowing barn-side recording of feeding activities and work schedules.
Parallels Access allows you to run Windows apps from your iPAD.
The slickest peer-to-peer app we've run across for tablets is called Parallels Access. Rather than mirroring your pc's desktop you actually choose the programs to launch from your tablet. In addition, you can use the same finger gestures you use with other mobile apps (tap, swipe, pinch and scroll).
The PocketCloud RDP uses a '"virtual mouse" to bridge between iOS and Windows.
The third option is to use a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) app to run FBS through the cloud on a hosted server such asAgCompass. The most mobile-friendly app we've tested is called PocketCloud, which uses a "virtual mouse" moved by your finger on the screen.
No alternative is ideal for everyone. Third-party apps that sync to the cloud don't require a continuous Internet connection but cost extra and are not "live" connections to FBS. Peer-to-peer apps prevent anyone else from using your pc while it's being controlled by the mobile device. RDP apps are the most convenient and versatile for a multi-user environment but have not completely replicated the mobile touch screen experience.
Stay tuned. We'll be reviewing some more breakthrough mobile technologies in the months ahead. Also, please share your experiences.
Why Wait 'till 2025?
(For Integrated Farm Records)
That's the target date that Farm Journal Top Producer predicts for "Fully Integrated Farm Records" in its Mid-November 2013 issue.
However, we believe most of the "goodies" envisioned in the article can be under your tree by 12/25 rather than 2025.
As you complete your year-end tax planning remember that business software qualifies for the IRS Code Section 179 Expense Deduction.
This applies to all FBS on-premises software. (Hosted software subscriptions are already fully deductible.)
If you're interested in taking advantage of the Section179 deduction please visit our website to select from a list of modules and then give us a call at 800.437.7638 / Extension 2.
Note that if you already have a current FBS CD (Versions 8.14/10.3) we can remotely activate your software any time before 5 pm CST on 12/31/13.
As an extra incentive, we are offering $179 off your first order of FBS-authored software purchased by December 31, 2013.
Farm Financial Standards Training
There's still time to enroll in two continuing education opportunities taught by representatives of the Farm Financial Standards Council
1. Farm Futures Magazine will hold a one-day "Boot Camp" on farmfinancial management on Jan. 6 in St. Louis. The meeting is designed for all farmers who want to boost skills that can lead to better farm management decisions.
The boot camp is sponsored by John Deere and Farm Credit Services. To see the agenda and register, go
2. Farm Journal Top Producer Magazine is teaming up with Texas A&M University to host a Managerial Accounting workshop, which will be held Feb. 24-25 in Dallas, Texas.
Managerial accounting is designed to break out the costs and returns of different segments of a business. FBS has been a pioneer in managerial accounting for crop and livestock producers. Farm Business Consultant Dick Wittman will lead farmers through the two-day course.
Computers on the Farm is an annual event for all people interested in computer applications on the farm. Topics are planned for both beginning and advanced users. Demonstrations and discussion of computer technologies for farm applications are emphasized. Much of the conference consists of current farm users sharing experiences about computer applications they are using in their operations.
Several hands-on session for beginners and experienced farm computer users will be available.
Bring your family to Tan-Tar-A for the weekend. The conference takes place on Friday and Saturday.
Click here for registration details. FBS has not yet committed to attending this conference. If you're planning on attending and are interested in participating in an FBS User meeting email by Friday, December 27th.
A. This question gets asked every year, several times a year. Since this is a process that you only do once a year it's easy to forget! Here are the steps you need to take:
1. On the Select Company screen change the input year to 2014.
2. It will ask you if you want to create beginning balances. Click OK.
3. If you are done entering data for 2013 and your fiscal year is the same as the calendar year you also need to calculate retained earnings. If you are not done with 2013 at the time you open 2014 make sure that when you are done that you do this calculation.
4. To calculate go to Input | General | Calculate Retained Earning and select your retained earnings ledger account and the month to calculate and click OK.
5. Start entering your 2014 data.
You can still go back into 2013 to enter data. Just make sure to do the following:
1. Change your input year back to 2013 to enter the data and remember to switch back to 2014 when complete.
2. After making additions or changes to 2013 you must recreate beginning balances by going to Utilities | Create Beginning Balance and check the box for Accounting or other applicable modules.
FBS Systems
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