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Sarah Dixon

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What do top producers have in common? [How you can implement similar practices]

Posted by Sarah Dixon

Sep 21, 2016 2:03:39 PM

What do top producers have in common?

Everyone wants to be the best, do their best.  You do not farm with hopes to fail.  Unfortunately, some do fail, operations go under and are sold all of the time.  Many of those owners are left wondering what they could have done differently to keep their operation afloat.  Not all of those operations were salvageable, but some could have probably been helped along by just implementing a few of the same practices that the top ag producers of today have implemented in their own operations.  Having a strategy, having contingency plans, having the tools to make quick decisions, the courage to say “no it is not working,” the drive to keep learning and the humbleness to say “I don’t know but there is someone out there who does.”  Those are a few of the things top producers have in common that make them successful.

Here are some great videos that may be helpful in understanding these practices better:

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Topics: accrual accounting, Danny Klinefelter, Farm CFO, Life Cycle Budget

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