2013 User Conference Agenda and Speaker List, FBS Users In the News, September Free Webinars, Q&A: Getting Back In Balance.
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 FarmSMART                                                   August 2013 

In this Issue:

2013 User Conference Agenda and Speaker List

FBS Users In the News

September Free Webinars

 Q&A:  Getting Back In Balance.

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Celebration Belle 2012Ag Computing's Annual Reunion

Once a year FBS hosts a "family reunion" for North America's most progressive ag producers and consultants.  No sack races at the FBS User Conference, but participants do enjoy fine food, fun and fellowship and opportunities to share experiences and ideas with peers and "kindred spirits."  At the same time they get to brush up on theircomputer and accounting skills and be challenged by experts with specialized knowledge not assembled at any other farm seminar. 

This conference is centrally located in the Illinois-Iowa Quad Cities, serviced by Interstates 74, 80 and 88 and three major airlines, and will be held this year on Wednesday, August 28, and Thursday, August 29.  We've moved the venue to the River's Bend Conference Center adjoining the Moline Stoney Creek Inn to allow more capacity, and we've already received record registrations.  However, there's still time for you to register for either or both days. 

Regardless of your business focus or experience level with FBS, you'll benefit from this unique, once-a-year conference:

  • New users will learn tips and procedures directly from FBS staff and experienced users to make their adoption smoother.
  • Experienced users will enhance their effectiveness through sharing solutions to common problems with peers and learning new skills that utilize the information stored in their system.
  • Potential users will learn how FBS compares to their current accounting software directly from users who have already made the transition.
  • Consultants, accountants and advisors will meet potential clients and will be better prepared to assist their current clients take advantage of the analytical  power of FBS.

Here's what some of the attendees from last year's conference told us: 

 "Awesome. Great growth. Very interactive!" 
"A very informative seminar." 
"Very good-great variety of topics-something for 
"A great place to exchange ideas and receive new 
information that can be implemented on the farm."
"Great to meet the staff and ask specific questions." 

Thanks to their suggestions and a great line-up of speakers, this year's conference will be even better.  Read the accompanying articles and you'll see why! 

This month in FarmSmart: 


UC Logo



User Conference Agenda Finalized


Based on feedback from early registrations we've locked in a dynamic program backed up by top-notch guest speakers. 


David Ward General Session 2012

Wednesday, August 28 Plenary Session

(Beginning at 9:30 am)

  • What's New, Upcoming and Unexpected in FBS Software
  • Making Precision Decisions in the Era of Big Data
  • New User/Experienced User Idea Exchange
           Norm Brown and FBS Staff
  • Keynote:   "Data and the Farm - A 100 Year Recap"      

           Paul Neiffer

  • Crop Cost of Production Benchmarks and Forecasts

           John McNutt & Moe Russell

  • "Looking Forward" Panel--How leading operations are integrating technology into their management decisions.

           Blake Hollis        Bernard Peterson            Eric Jackson

  • Accounting for Multiple Entities                                                                                     John McNutt 
  • Mississippi prime rib dinner cruise

Cellebration Belle  

 Thursday, August 29th Concurrent Breakout Sessions

(Beginning at 8:00 am.  Each session held only once so bring a second person if you want to benefit from both tracks.) 

Bernard Scanner  

 Track I (Blackhawk Room)

  • "The 21st Century Office"--Scanners, Electronic Banking, Cloud Computing.    
  • "Getting Down to Business with Precision Farming Data"--Moving field data into FBS.
  • "FBS Basics and SOPs"--Standard Operating Procedures that save time and reduce errors.
  • "Customizing FBS Reports"--Financial Statements, Cost Analysis and User-Defined Reports.  
  • "Farm/Trust Manager Training"--For professional farm management firms.  
  • "Importing/Exporting Data in FBS"--Interfacing with Excel and other software.
  • "Payroll Issues and Tips"--Integrating Centerpoint Payroll with FBS.  


PORK$HOP 2011 Overview

 Track II (Salon C) 

  • "Hedge Accounting Basics"--Introduction and "Fair Value" Grain Hedges.
  • "Hedge Accounting Advanced"--"Cash Flow" and Livestock Hedges.
  • "Producing What the Auditors Need"--Preparing your FBS records for the accountant, auditor or banker.
  • "Management Accounting Best Practices"--How innovators are mining "gold" from their managerial accounting.  
  • "The Next Level of Tracking & Reporting"--Dashboards, Depreciation, Parts and Partnerships.

Lunch for all participants sponsored by:   Elanco logo   

 Note that you can register for either or both days.   Call the FBS Sales line at 800.437.7638 /Extension 2 or check our website.  Click here to download a PDF of the full conference agenda.

User Conference Updated Guest Speaker List 

Here's the current lineup of guest speakers and their topics:  

Paul Neifer 

Paul Neiffer,C.P.A., is an Agribusiness adviser with CliftonLarsonAllenLLP Agribusiness Group.  He is best known as "TheFarm CPA" with Farm Journal Top Producer.  Paul will be presenting the keynote address:  "Data and the Farm--A 100 Year Recap," as well as breakout sessions coveringHedge Accounting recommendations from theFarm Financial Standards Council.   

Moe Russell, M.B.A., is president of Russell ConsultingGroup
and specializes in risk management, H.R. management, business planning and feasibility analysis. Moe will be covering 2012 Crop Cost of Production Benchmarks and projections for 2013. 
Robert Wolfe

 Robert Wolfe, C.P.A.., is Senior Audit Manager with Frost, PLLCLittle Rock, Arkansas.   Robert is engaged primarily in audit of food and agricultural clients and will be conducting a breakout session on Producing What Auditors Need Through FBS Accounting.  


John McNutt 

John McNutt, M.B.A., is past president of the National Pork Producers Council and a business analyst and consultant with the CPA firm Latta, Harris, Hanon & Penningroth, LLP.   John will be presenting the Crop and Pork Cost of Production Benchmarks and will explain how to set up and track Multiple Accounting Entities. 

Eric Jackson Eric Jackson serves as Chief Sustainability Officer and President, Ag Services, at Conservis Corporation, Eric has 30 years of experience in commodity risk management, supply-chain, and international trading.  He will be sharing his vision and insight goals in the "Looking Forward" Technology Integration Panel. 


Joe Gooding 

Joe Gooding, M.S., serves as Swine Analytics Consultant with Elanco focusing on value added services for customer production
and marketing data.  Joe will be presenting a breakout session on Managing Marketing Data & Variation to Achieve Full Value Pigs.


Blake Hollis

Blake Hollis, M.B.A., is a Northeast Iowa corn, soybean and hog producer at Lanehaven Farmswhich embraces leading edge practices and technology to systematically standardize, flawlessly execute and continuously improve processes. Blake will share his experiences and goals in the"Looking Forward" Panel.


Bernard Peterson 

Bernard Peterson is partner in Peterson Farms, a 13,000 acre Kentucky family business with roots that go back to the 1700's.  He will describe his operation's ongoing quest for better management information and control in the "Looking Forward" Technology Integration Panel. 


FBS Users In the News

Iowa grower Ray Gaessor was recently featured in the Wall Street Journal's story, Tractor Sales Riding High.  Ray's current practice is to "roll" new John Deere equipment every year but is prepared to revert back to keeping machines for five years or so "if profitability goes away and the outlook gets bad."  One of the conditions that will likely change is the Section 179 deduction dropping from $500,000 to $25,000 next year.

Meanwhile, Indiana grower and Indiana Farm Bureau president Don Villwock addresses the revenue side of his operation in "Hit top-third grain price" in the August 2013 Corn + Soybean Digest.  Don's market advisor uses put options to supplement cash contracts for his specialty crops.

September Free Webinars
Webinar ComputerThe theme of the month will be Crop Audit--getting ready for a busy harvest!

Sept. 9:  Entering Harvest Data
Sept 16: Handling prepaid inputs through Crop Audit
Sept 23: Setting up Crop year 2014 and cleaning up old crop years
Sept 30:  Reconciling Crop inputs 
All webinars run between 1:00 pm and 2:00 pm CDT.
To register, e-mail support@fbssystems.com by 12:00 pm CDT on the day of the webinar.
Q&A of the Month--Getting Back In Balance.
Sarah Dixon
Sarah Dixon, FBS Technical Services Manager.

 Q.  When I go look at a deposit that I entered earlier in the month why does it now show an Amt. to Balance in red? It was right when I saved it; otherwise it wouldn't have allowed me to save it! 

Support 8-13 Amount to Balance  

A. That can happen if you have recently changed a ledger account to a different Class  (i.e.Income, Expense, Asset, Liability or Equity).  This change could have happened accidentally if you were in looking at the account setup. An entry like this can affect several things in the system and does need to be fixed.  

To clear up the issue look at all of the ledger accounts used in that entry under Setup | Accounting | Ledger Accounts and double-check that they are all defined correctly. If they are, and you did purposely change the Class on a particular ledger account you will need to change the sign on the dollar amount entered in the deposit to reflect the change in Class you made or select a different ledger account that will balance the entry. If you didn't mean to change the ledger account Class then change it back to the correct Class and save the ledger accounts.  Next, go back to the deposit and click through the out-of-balance line and re-save the entry once the Amt. to Balance is zero. 

August 13 Print Undefined Entries

A good way to catch errors like this is to run the TransAction Plus User Defined Report with the box on the top right to "Print Undefined Entries" checked at the end of each month!  

Editor's note:  Sarah will be teaching these breakout sessions at the 2013 FBS User Conference:

  • "The 21st Century Office"--Scanners, Electronic Banking, Cloud Computing.   
  • "FBS Basics and SOPs"--Standard Operating Procedures that save time and reduce errors
  • "Customizing FBS Reports"--Financial Statements, Cost Analysis and User-Defined Reports.
  • "Farm/Trust Manager Training"--For professional farm management firms.  
  • "Importing/Exporting Data in FBS"--Interfacing with Excel and other software.

Please join her on Thursday, August 29th!


  FBS Systems


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